Buying Opportunities
We offer weekly buying events in the categories below offering you a wide range of closeout and retailer returns opportunities to efficiently secure inventory and manage logistics expense into your facility.
Closeout Inventory
Consists of discontinued, slow moving and or short dated factory sealed case goods
- DRS Marketplace
- Haleon Auction
- Periodic Closeouts
Consumer Packaged Goods Retailer Returns
DRS inspected, in-date, manifested and sold by the unit by pallet by manufacturer by box (“banana box”)
- Home
- Shelf stable food
- Seasonable – Coppertone end of season unopened cases and units sold by the trailer
E Commerce Customer Returns
DRS inspected, manifested and reconditioned returns sold by the grade, by pallet.
- Footwear
- Apparel
This is a DRS exclusive monthly event that features multiple manufacturers products with sealed case goods. This closeout event will feature OTC/HBA/Home Goods categories, and the inventory will refresh monthly. 50+ brands that will optimize your buying resources and freight.

This is a DRS exclusive monthly event with monthly access to Haleon OTC brands sold as sealed case goods out of our facility in Alcoa, TN. DRS provides in-event bid guidance to ensure awards at reasonable prices.

DRS will provide access to over 10 manufacturer closeout lists of sealed case goods as they become available. Georgia Pacific paper trailer loads, pre-paid and directly shipped are subject to availability.

DRS inspects all individual returns and we provide a full manifest of items sold by pallet. We also inspect and sell individual units in “banana box” containers. Our seasonal sun care returns are sold by the case and individual units will also come in “banana boxes.”